Report on the trip to Belarus 2.0 ( July this year)
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01.07.23 Journey beyond the Bug. An escapade of several “locals” which I can confidently compare to the film script of the adaptation of the book...
our trip to Belarus ( May 21-24)
by admin
! We recommend that You go to Belarus and see for yourself what a beautiful country it is, with friendly people, beautiful landscapes, nice monuments,...
Anti-Polish illegal blockade of Ukrainian activists in front of Polish-Belarusian border crossing
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19 March 2022. in front of the customs clearance terminal in Koroszczyn On the one hand, a crowd of around 100 Ukrainians, blocking the access...
Death envoy in Ukraine
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Bernard Henry Levy, middleman and promoter of the global death trade and anti-Russian racist, has entered Ukraine! He is one of the most successful...